A dear friend commenting on my last post has led me to realize...I've been spitting out the ol' blog for a year now! Good God, where has the time gone. This blog began as a way for me to begin my dream of writing, and from this platform I'm happy to say I've gone on to write a monthly column for the afore-mentioned dear friend (check out mom2momlounge.com), a weekly journal for Babycenter.com, and various articles which have actually earned me money (helium.com)! I am beyond proud to call myself a bona fide earning writer. I thank the kind people at Blogger.com who have created such an easy, affordable (read, free) website for hokey authors of nonsense such as myself to come express ourselves. And of course, for those loyal reader(s) still struggling through my rambling posts, THANK YOU.
From my last post, you will clearly see how I jinxed myself by commenting on the peaceful existence we were enjoying...I picked up Young Master Spence at daycare early yesterday after a phone call from his teacher reported a low-grade fever and persistent headache. How could I ignore the pitiful pleadings of "My bwain hurts!"? Awww, widdow boy, let's get you some ibupwofen and see if you don't feel bettew, you wascally wabbit.
So of course I pick the baby up also, who, not to be outdone, saw fit to LOSE HIS DAMN MIND. The child cried the entire drive home, through dinner, right up until bedtime. I knew I was in for it when his teacher reported only a 1/2-hour nap.
Tonight shall be spent recovering from yesterday, for all of us. And damning the Cavs for giving us such HOPE, man, it was close. So close we could all taste it, the whole city dreaming of our team making it somewhere, anywhere...It's been far too long. Happy Father's Day, LeBron, you son of a gun. You tease.
Friday, I've missed thee so. Bring on the pizza, the wings, the usual Friday fare, all things delicious and drenched in calories. Yummy, yummy calories. Let the laundry rot, let the dishes mold, it is FRIDAY and I am currently unavailable for anything resembling a chore. If you care to voice a complaint, leave your message after the beep. BEEEEP.
Friday, June 15, 2007
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
After much back-and-forth and a million revisions to plans, Tiff & I have in fact scheduled a meeting with my dear sister. The plan is to get to the root of her boyfriend issues, and see if she might not be happier moving back to our area, from her current residence out in North Carolina. I selfishly think it'd be nice if she lived closer (for babysitting reasons, mu-hahahaha) but I want to help her decide the right course of action for herself, period. It's hard to watch someone make mistakes or be unhappy, but all you can do is reason with them and in the end they will make their own decisions. I wish her happiness and peace.
Luckily we're going out for coffee, because I'm feeling rather droopy this afternoon. I could just lay my head down on my desk right here and make up for the sleep debt Julian so cruelly inflicted upon me this morning. Cock-a-doodle waaahhh!
In other news, Raphael, Spence's kitty, shall retain his left eye. For now. We were very concerned recently when it appeared to be dilated and protruding a bit...2 vet visits & billions of dollars later, we think it safe to assume this is either an injury or an abscess from a recent infection. All good news. My wallet thanks you, kind vet.
So the fam is doing well, I'm happy to report...We are enjoying the hell out of this sunshine with nary a runny nose in sight. Everyone's happy, everyone's healthy...And now of course I've jinxed myself by saying that & I'm sure to return home to a mess of grumpy sickies. I just haaad to be thankful for small favors, didn't I. That'll learn me.
Well dear reader(s), I must vacate this hellish deep freeze (oxymoron?) for the tropical sauna of my car & the drive home. I love that feeling of sliding behind the wheel after a posicle of a day like this one & feeling all the pores on my face open, my goosebumps finally relaxing...I'll never understand the mentality of the higher-ups with their hands on the thermostat. With all the $$$ you could save by dropping the a/c down to a comfortable level, I could collect the fat raise I desperately need! A girl can dream. Someone point me towards the suggestion box.
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1:31 PM
Monday, June 04, 2007
Oh you silly reader(s), did you think I forgot about you? Well I did. KIDDING! I've been trapped in a whirlwind, unable to do anything but cook meals & clean house & chase after little boys bent on self-destruction. The wind is dying down now...
Today is Al's birthday, & the 3rd-to-last day of school. Next year, high school, and then...the world! I cannot believe he's 15 today. I so clearly remember putting golf balls with him in his grandmother's backyard when he was a darling towhead of six. What happened??
Nathaniel's birthday is just around the corner. He's requested a little homemade cake. Wonder if he'd mind if I jumped out of it? Whatever we do, it certainly won't be a repeat of years past...I always attempt to throw a party that noone can attend (asses) or plan something, anything...The single exception to this rule was the year Tom Petty just happened to be in town exactly ON his birthday and I surprised him with his very first live concert. Freeee...free faaallin'...
I daresay I'll post tomorrow, since work has calmed down and eight legal assistants aren't calling in sick each day. Good night!
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1:44 PM