Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Well, folks, it's over. The flurry of activity that is Christmas has finally come to an end, thank God. Don't get me wrong, I love Christmas, especially with the kids, but it is definitely a time-and-energy intensive project to coordinate, one that I am grateful to have finished. Done. Complete. Finito. Feliz frigging Navidad and call it a day, por favor.

In reflecting on the past year, I must say, the most positive thing has got to be (besides my sweet baby) my decision to quit taking it up the arse & get a new job. I am simply un-depressable (is that a word?) these days. These fine folks are head over heels in love with me, and I with them. What I'm doing isn't rocket science, I realize this, but I seem to be doing quite the fine job, according to the feedback I'm getting, and that is perhaps what I was missing most at the old place. In the place where you spend the majority of your waking hours, you like to think that what you're doing means something to somebody, somewhere, and that you're doing a halfway-decent job of it. If I should ever get the money/motivation/time/energy to pursue further schooling, I may very well consider studying patent law. The things I've seen, man, they're so damn cool. Really far out. Ba du ba ba baaa...

The other thing that sticks out in my head about the past year is a lesson learned. And that lesson is...Shut the hell up. It's hilariously ironic to me that I went to a shrink to learn to communicate, and my New Year's resolution will undoubtedly be to keep my mouth shut. I'm so irritated with having had an innocent chat with a family member, only to wake up the next morning and read my personal business splashed across the front page. Why? Does no one have hobbies anymore? Is my life really that exciting? Did confidentiality die with chivalry? I'm at a loss as to how to explain these happenings. The only course of action I see fit to take is to, you guessed it, shut the hell up. My shrink would probably be pissed, but I actually foresee this as being beneficial to my relationship with Nathaniel...He will now be privy to every vent and comment I might ordinarily have gotten out of my system elsewhere. I love you, honey. Get ready.

Christmas, check. New Year's resolution, check.

So what bright sparkling future awaits us in 2007? Stay tuned.

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